Wednesday 23 December 2015


Be thankful of what you have, you have two eyes to look at the world, two ears to listen to what the world say. You have two arms to hug the world, you are the most beautiful angel in the world.

Every time you woke up in the morning, the world always say hello with a nice sunrise. Doesn't matter how hot the world is, it is because of you. The world trying to drain the sun heat, but it couldn't do it alone. Let's help the world, it needs trees to breath but we cut it all. The river brings all the clean water to the sea, but again we make it so dirty. Even the ocean is so dirty.

And at the sunset time, when the world says take a rest dear. You still hope that it is not the time to rest yet. But have you ever try to think how tire is the world, it never gets mad even you take all his air with pollution. And we even fight with our own family, with blood everywhere do you ever think how the world feel?

Thanks my mother earth, even if we do something wrong. Please, forgive us. We will try to be something better, it needs process but I know it will.

Monday 13 July 2015

Another day, Great one

When a bird telling you it's morning and the rain make you feeling calm, just keep smiling. It will be a great day today

Saturday 30 May 2015

Thursday 14 May 2015

Tell them now

Tell them all the story of yours, before they guessing something wrong from you

Thursday 3 July 2014


Start it Now for a Better tomorrow, don't let the past take your dream, Now is a different day that means a you have a change to start something new for a new happy ending END

Thursday 21 November 2013


Hoby, semua orang pasti perlu hoby.
Melepas penat, meringankan beban fikiran, atau hanya sekedar mengisi waktu luang.
Mulai dari yang biasa, unik, extrem sampai yang gila.
Hoby juga dapat menghasilkan penghidupan bagi beberapa orang.
Lelah dan Keringat yang mengucur deras.
Uang ataupun waktu, semua tak terasa datang maupun pergi.
Tak perduli apa kata orang, positif ataupun negatif .
Mereka boleh mengeluarkan pendapat mereka tentang hoby ini.
Tapi tidak seorangpun boleh melarang, mengusik dan mengganggunya.
Karena inilah tempat di mana aku bisa menjadi diri sendiri.


Tuesday 19 November 2013

Cheat? or just DO IT

No one ever know what their future,
Many people think that they can read the future,
But reading the future is just like you know the story of the movie that you'll just watch,
It's kind of amazing but it will make life becoming something that doesn't interesting anymore,
the more you know about your future, the less spirit you have to go through this life,
Someone may know the future that lead in front of us,
But no one can do the things like what they wanted to,
Because God,,, has His own way to decide every human life,
the only thing you could do is LIVE the LIFE..

LIVE the LIFE and don't CHEATING, then you'll never REGRET it.